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Online Brand Optimization and Consolidation

Online Brand Optimization and ...

As we close out 2021, we would like to look back at a major project we undertook this year. We've referred to this as the “PSPINC brand consolidation” project.


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As an online technology company, we are constantly evolving. To do this, we're always looking for ways to optimize and level up our products, services, and websites. Mid-year, we discussed how we can continue to drive meaningful traffic to our sites and services.

At PSPINC, we offer a large number of products and services, each with its own unique name and domain. This has allowed us to cleanly separate one product from another. But it did introduce challenges we were looking to solve.

Brand Recognition Confusion:

With all services being uniquely branded with a product name and domain, it made it difficult for people to identify that these services were products of PSPINC.

Fragmented SEO Efforts:

With so many products, our efforts to optimize our marketing and drive traffic were very challenging. We were attempting to advertise and grow so many different domains, which made it difficult to have a singular focus.


girl wearing orange headphones looking at two large monitors with coding and typing on a smaller laptop

While we have many services that still operate independently (Bloguru, Japanese-Online, Denrei, ClockLink), we decided to consolidate all our public-facing product websites into web pages on

This would solve both of these challenges by: